Hsiu Lin's Blog

Monday, January 26, 2009

Lightning McQantas

This is Lightning McQueen, a character from the movie Cars. Liem has watched this movie maybe twice but still doesn't quite understand the story. He does know that racing cars that are going fast go "NNNNGGGGIIAAAAOOOOO!!!!". He also knows the name of the red car is Lightning McQueen. However, he starts to make up names for the other cars.... The green car he calls "McKeen" and the blue car "Lightning McQantas". Don't know where all these come from...

Friday, January 02, 2009


Liem is now climbing quite a lot. He climbs over the armrests of couches, sometimes over the back of couches...here he is climbing on the ladder-like netting of the playground. It does my heart good to watch him do it. He was always too scared to do it before.

Family catch up

We were glad to catch up with lots of family this Christmas. Here we had yum cha at Shark Fin House. Very yummy food. Liem was quite shy here and took a while to warm up. But he was so excited to receive a present BIGGER than he was!

Having fun on the beach

Well, fun was had at the beach. We took every opportunity to enjoy the fine weather (quite a change from the usual wet, cold, windy weather from previous Christmases). Liem even has a tan line now from the half hour or so in the sun. He enjoys playing with his cousins and asks for them whenever he doesn't see them for a while. It was good to see him get wet, dirty, walk barefoot, roll around in the sand...

Christmas photos

Liem helps Grandma to decorate the Christmas tree. Grandpa with Billy. New cousin Chloe having some lunch with Aunty My Anh and Uncle Saba. Liem having lunch first because very hungry. Uncle Chris and Billy. Liem with Oliver and Aunty Mai Linh.

What do I get?

Liem has been travelling much better these days. No more screaming fits...no more crying for ages and ages...he can walk for longer distances without sitting down on the ground and having a tanty. We are really pleased with this because it means WE can also travel more without too much fuss. Liem, however, knows that he gets bribed into good behaviour. We are on our way to Melbourne for Christmas...
Liem: What do I get?
Mummy: Oh. Er...(rummaging through bag)...What's this? A car! It's a Volkswagon Golf!
L (after playing with the Golf for a few minutes): What do I get now?
M: That's it, Liem. That's all you're getting.
L (after thinking about this for a while): What will Grandma give me?