Sunday, December 18, 2005
Ways to avoid food

What Liem does to avoid food:
1. Cry (well, of course, this would be the first way)
2. Turns his head away
3. Leans forward with his mouth open to let the food fall out
4. Closes his mouth very tightly when the spoon approaches
5. Sticks his fingers in his mouth to scrape the food out
6. Sticks his bib in his mouth to scrape the food out.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Cot wanderings

I'm not sure how he does it, but Liem moves around a lot in his cot. After he learnt how to roll over in the cot, he slept on his side or tummy all the time. I always put him to sleep on his back (as per instructions to avoid SIDS) but he just rolls over anyway. Oh well, hopefully it'll help to round out his wonky head.
Friday, December 09, 2005
Head banger
When Liem was about 3 months old, Khiem and I accidentally dropped the phone receiver on his head one night. ARGH! Liem cried (of course!) but luckily he was feeding at the time so after a few minutes he went back to feeding and forgot all about it. I have been secretly worrying that we've made him stupid by doing that.
Well, I'm not worried anymore. Yesterday Liem was on his tummy on the carpet, holding his head up very high....when he dropped his head HARD back down on the carpet. I heard the conk sound, thought oh oh...then WAAAAAAAA! Consoled him for a few minutes, put him back down and what does he do? He does it AGAIN! Whacks his forehead hard on the carpet. He's got a red spot on his forehead now. We were at mother's group and I was telling the other mothers about his head-banging antics when he did it again - this time on the wooden floorboard! What with banging his head on the side of the cot, on the side of the playpen and knowing how long it takes for him to learn not to do it again....if he does become stupid, it's his own fault!!!
Well, I'm not worried anymore. Yesterday Liem was on his tummy on the carpet, holding his head up very high....when he dropped his head HARD back down on the carpet. I heard the conk sound, thought oh oh...then WAAAAAAAA! Consoled him for a few minutes, put him back down and what does he do? He does it AGAIN! Whacks his forehead hard on the carpet. He's got a red spot on his forehead now. We were at mother's group and I was telling the other mothers about his head-banging antics when he did it again - this time on the wooden floorboard! What with banging his head on the side of the cot, on the side of the playpen and knowing how long it takes for him to learn not to do it again....if he does become stupid, it's his own fault!!!
Friday, December 02, 2005
On the sofa

For a while, when I propped Liem up in the corner of the sofa, he would stay there (see Fat Liem posting). Then he started to either scoot his butt forward and slide down or topple over. Haha!
Family in Nov 05

The grandparents visited a second time. Liem was 4.5 months old then and was really heavy! If Ah Por was on the floor with Liem, she couldn't get up while carrying him. HAHAHAHA! Meanwhile Ah Kong enjoyed playing and talking to Liem.
Grand uncle Ron and Grand auntie Monica also came for a visit. Liem loved the attention and behaved perfectly! But he couldn't keep it up for a week...hahaha...
Rolling over

I was really excited when Liem rolled over for the first time. Liem didn't like tummy time at all....he would cry every time I put him on his tummy and then I'd pick him up. This time I let him cry...he started to rock, then went onto his side and then plopped onto his back. After that he forgot how to roll over for a few weeks, then he remembered again and then he started doing it all the time. Including at night when he would roll over, hit his head on the side of the cot and wake everyone by screaming. Luckily he doesn't seem to be hitting his head as much these days.