Hsiu Lin's Blog

Monday, April 09, 2007

Words words words

There's been a sudden explosion of words that Liem can now say. Words like "bowl", "cup", "oats", "bib" (when he's directing mummy on how to make breakfast), "hot", "warm", "cold" (although he's still a bit confused as to when to use them), "toe", "hand", "eye", "hole", "dog", "cat", "cow", "pig", "duck", "blue", "dot dot", "come", "sit down", "there", "cake" (who taught him that???)... There's "MORE!" after eating one law mai kai and two gow choy dumplings and crying when he thought there was no more food left (we ordered another four gow choy dumplings for him and he ate them all). "Opp" when he's dropped something.

A few words still need a bit of work:
"Pim" (bin)
"Sip" (zip)
"Toon","choon" or "toom" (spoon)
"Car" (avocado)
"BUM" (hot cross BUN, scone or bum)
"Heppy" (help me eg when someone is too heavy to climb up onto a chair by himself)
"Watah" or "orter" (water)
"Door" (draw)
"Tar" (guitar)
"Hone" (phone)
"Chappie" or "cheppie" (nappie)
"Ads" (ants)
"Pads" (pants)
"Cee" (cd)
"Ten" (turn eg when it is somebody's turn to sit on the couch ie someone else has to get up from the couch!).


  • Do you like your BUN Liem?
    Liem: BUM!! BUM!!

    By Blogger Hsiu Pin, at 5:36 PM  

  • wow, that's cool! can have a conversation with him soon already. haha.

    By Blogger MayChing, at 6:20 PM  

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